Thursday, June 15, 2006


Ni géng kawé hok maing nékbo sekali. Ni maso lawé haghi minggu lepah, 10hb Jun 2006. Kalu ado oghé nok lawé bulih larr. Nga oghé Sunga Besi pong bulih. Ghama pemaing Sunga Besi ni hok kawé tau.
[ This all my Netball team players. This photo taken last weekend during match on 10th June 2006. If anyone interested to fight with us...why not??. Sungai Besi also got so many players... don't play play!!!]
Ucapan dari YB Dato' Tan Chai Ho

Perasmian oleh YB Dato' Tan Chai Ho diiringi oleh Datuk Alias

Sebahagian dari pemain yang hadir

Me & My coach

1 comment:

Shiekoreto said...

menghitung hariiiiiiiiiii, detik demi detikkk......