Thursday, February 23, 2006

"BBAEEEEK" Punya Corner!

Ni lah tepak kawé paling suko sekali dalé ghumoh kawé. Ghasonyo tak dok lagi oghé buak. Hok ni nih ha say keghijo tangé kawé sedighi. Kawé tak dok tepak nok choting, kawé choting la dinday ghumoh kawé. Démo ghaso lagu mano?? chomé ko? hudoh ko?? Tapi hok petting nyo kawé puah...

[This is my favourite corner in my house. I think no one doing it yet. I draw and paint my self. I have no place to make a painting so why not I paint my wall. What do you think?? Nice not?? It's worth it...(BERBALOI!!!)]

Ni pulok kawé punyo keluargo bahagio. Anak kawé 2 oghé hok chomé lloté, namo dio liling pah tu hok kachok ségok tu wawé. Soghe lagi tu mestilah laki kawé...dio pong kachok jugok...macé hiro hendusté.

[This is my happy family. My 2 kids, the cute one is Lylynn (girl) and the handsome one is Wawan (boy). Another one of course lah my handsome hubby...which is look like Hindustan's Hero.]


FoxyGabx said...

Eh Eh... cantiknyaaaa corner tu!!! boleh paint for me ar? I oso wan!!! :p

orkibal said...

huh panda demo hiyah umoh demo...
ni pertamo kali kawe jupo blog kelate pekat...beh beh ganah demo kecek...
ore putih kato fluent!

cutee said...

Foxy mau bayar berapa if I paint your house??? Kalau mau Graffiti kena panggil shieko buat. Ek???!!