Sunday, September 03, 2006


one2WIN namo baghu skuwok nekbo kawé. Ado kelah!!! Pasukké kawé nok ghebuk tepak petamo & keduo di Zon Tun Razak. Zon jinjé buleh gi ko final doh ni. Tok tau larr bulih nombo beghapo nyo. Kito keno tunggu dé lihak larr. Ni lah gamba-gamba hok dapak di ambik maso lawé haghi tu.
[New name for My Netball Team. 1st class!!! We will fight for 1st or 2nd place at Tun Razak Zone. We got to go to final match at Jinjang Zone. Hope we will get 1st place here. This all the pictures that we get from both match. Enjoy looking!!]